
Statutes, Laws and Policies:


  • Registered as a non profit social service organization under Tamil Nadu Societies Registration Act 1975 vide Registration #: 58/92 dated: August 24, 1992
  • Registered under the FCRA division of home ministry to receive foreign contributions registration number: 076010117
  • Registered under the 12AA and exempted from Income tax under 80G of the income tax act.
  • Registered under the Juvenile Justice act as an institution fit to provide care and protection for the children.
  • The school run by CECOWOR is recognized by the Tamil Nadu government.

It has written down NGO policy and the financial policy that is strictly followed in order to have better control over resources and finance.

Decision Making:

The board has 21 members. The board sets policies and strategies in line with the agreed purposes, principles and scope. The board elects seven executive members who decide executive and strategic functions, working methodology and the activities. The Executive body normally meets at least once in six months (if there is a need it meets more frequently). They are responsible for approving the project and programmes for every year. They also approve auditor’s statements and annual reports. They participate fully in all meetings of the Board.

Management Team:

The Secretary-cum-Director is the executive head of the staff team who is responsible for the overall Coordination and Management of the organization, and carries out the day today affairs along with the staff team. He is also the reporting authority to the board of members, the donors and to the partners. There is an advisory panel whose advice is consulted on occasionally both by the board and the secretary. Besides this, an ad hoc committee can be formed if the need arise in order act as plan committee for a project, programme, event etc.
